Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Traveling Between The Lines: Europe in 1938: The Trip Journal of John F. Randolph and his Daughter’s Response Reviews

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Traveling Between The Lines: Europe in 1938: The Trip Journal of John F. Randolph and his Daughter's Response

From May to September 1938, one year before the start of World War II, John and Margaret Randolph traveled from the U.S. to Europe. At ages 34 and 27, they were on an adventure, traveling by train, renting bicycles, and sleeping in youth hostels--a typical tour in an atypical time, in a continent on the brink of war. They traveled to Holland, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, England, and Wales before finding passage home on a freighter.

John F. Randolph, a mathematician who had been at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, kept a daily journal of the trip. After his death, his daughter came across the journal. Knowing what took place in Germany in 1938 and what would follow throughout Europe, she began to fill in the spaces her father left blank. This book became a journey for her too.

Rebecca McBride is a freelance writer and editor. She has a Ph.D. in English from the University of Pennsylvania and a B.A. from Oberlin College. Her published work includes handbooks, guides, reports, newsletters, and brochures. She lives with her husband in Old Chatham, New York. rebeccamcbride.net

List Price: $ 17.00

Price: $ 15.63

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