Monday, February 28, 2011

Readers and Writers in the Middle Grades (2nd Edition)

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Readers and Writers in the Middle Grades (2nd Edition)

The second edition of this popular book for grades 4-8 again reflects the author's emphasis on teaching reading and writing from a literature-based perspective and engaging middle-grades learners in integrated literacy experiences. Coverage has been revised to meet the growing need to address early adolescents who still struggle with becoming proficient readers and writers. Taking a holistic, interdisciplinary approach to literacy development, Combs deftly balances ideas for using authentic children's literature with techniques for making the most of the basal approachâ€"providing a rich mix of classroom-tested models and examples that will serve future teachers well in their first classrooms, and every classroom thereafter. For future and practice elementary school reading teachers.

List Price: $ 110.20

Price: $ 96.10

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